It's a borning work to re-translate messages which were often vague translated into Korean. For example,
This page is currently protected from editing because it is transcluded in the following pages, which are protected with the "cascading" option enabled: 다음의 문서에서 이 문서를 사용하고 있고 그 문서에 연쇄적 보호 설정이 걸려 있어, 이 문서도 편집에서 보호됩니다:
I don't know what this translation actually means. Whoever the translator is, he/she should understand the Korean language. Please don't use such seldom used Hanja.eo like '초기화', '인증', '연쇄적', '변경점', '문자열' etc., while he/she uses such a ridiculous hangeul '옮기면서 넘겨주기를 덮어 씀', although '이동' for move is currently used on the Wikipedia. --아흔(A-heun) 2007년 2월 2일 (금) 18:26 (UTC)
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