law: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
Altobot (토론 | 기여)
잔글 위키낱말사전; 예쁘게 바꿈
HappyMidnight (토론 | 기여)
편집 요약 없음
3번째 줄:
{{발음 듣기|en-us-law.ogg|미국}}
* '''1.''' (입법부가 제정한) [[법]], [[법률]] [The body of rules and standards issued by the legislative body, or to be applied by courts and similar authorities.]
* '''1.''' [[법]], [[법률]], [[법규]].
:* a [[customary]] [[law]] 관습법
:* When [[there]] is no [[provision]] in this Act [[as to]] a [[commercial]] [[matter]], the [[commercial]] [[customary]] [[law]] [[shall]] [[apply]]; and if there is no [[such]] [[law]], the [[provision]]s of the Civil Act shall apply. 상사에 관하여 본법에 규정이 없으면 상관습법에 의하고 상관습법이 없으면 민법의 규정에 의한다. {{따옴|[[:s:en:Commercial Act of South Korea/PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS|Commercial Act of South Korea art. 1 ]] }}
:* This Agreement shall be governed by the '''laws''' of England. 이 계약은 영국법에 따라 규율된다.
{{파생어 상자|lawbreaker|lawful|lawless|lawgiver|lawmaker|lawofficer|lawyer}}
{{파생어 상자|종류=복합어|law court|law school|business law|civil law|commercial law|constitutional law|criminal law|trade law}}
* '''2.''' [[법칙법규]].[A particular such rule.]
* '''3.''' (일반적인) [[법칙]].[(more generally) A written or understood rule that concerns behaviours and their consequences. Laws are usually associated with mores.]
*'''4.''' (과학적인) 법칙 [(sciences, strictly) A well-established, observed physical characteristic or behavior of nature. The word is used to simply identify "what happens," without implying any explanatory mechanism or causation. Compare to theory.]
:* Murphy's law : 머피의 법칙
:* Newton's laws of motion : 뉴톤의 운동 법칙
*'''6.''' (형평법에 대비하여) 일반법 [A category of English "common law" petitions that request monetary relief, as opposed to relief in forms other than a monetary judgment; compare to "equity".]
* '''3.''' [[법학]].
:* the principles of '''law''' and equity 보통법과 형평법의 원칙들
:* a [[customary]] [[law]] 관습법
:* When [[there]] is no [[provision]] in this Act [[as to]] a [[commercial]] [[matter]], the [[commercial]] [[customary]] [['''law]]''' [[shall]] [[apply]]; and if there is no [[such]] [[law]], the [[provision]]sprovisions of the Civil Act shall apply. 상사에 관하여 본법에 규정이 없으면 상관습법에 의하고 상관습법이 없으면 민법의 규정에 의한다. {{따옴|[[:s:en:Commercial Act of South Korea/PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS|Commercial Act of South Korea art. 1 ]] }}
* '''37.''' [[법학]].