부록:빈도별 낱말 목록/영어/영상물

2006년 기준 미국 텔레비전/영화/구텐베르그 프로젝트문서 내에서 많이 쓰인 영어 낱말 10,000개 순위 목록.[1]

목록 편집

순위[2] 낱말 빈도
5 a or A 563578
7437 aaaah 126
6261 aaah 167
2081 aah 844
1130 Aaron 1908
6150 Aaron's 171
4894 abandon 244
3289 abandoned 440
7826 abbey 116
2624 Abbott 610
2118 Abby 826
6785 Abby's 147
7625 abducted 121
2374 Abe 699
1339 Abigail 1515
6912 Abigail's 143
7711 abilities 119
3393 ability 418
473 able 6289
4413 aboard 286
9308 abort 87
6545 abortion 156
39 about 142750
1914 above 951
7982 Abraham 112
5932 absence 181
9667 absent 82
3811 absolute 354
581 absolutely 4704
9666 absorbed 82
4707 absurd 258
4394 abuse 288
8972 abused 92
6594 academic 154
5185 academy 225
5439 accent 208
1003 accept 2271
7513 acceptable 124
8175 acceptance 108
2565 accepted 627
5111 accepting 230
2232 access 769
8075 accessory 110
829 accident 2860
9813 accidental 80
4220 accidentally 305
5478 accidents 206
6761 accomplice 148
4634 accomplish 264
4271 accomplished 299
1768 according 1052
1800 account 1030
6784 accountant 147
7668 accounting 120
4706 accounts 258
5501 accurate 205
7624 accusation 121
5376 accusations 212
4572 accuse 270
2736 accused 578
3726 accusing 364
4705 ace 258
6994 achieve 140
5523 acid 204
6313 acknowledge 165
8731 acquaintance 96
7857 acquainted 115
8542 acquired 100
9812 acres 80
1119 across 1928
735 act 3307
3192 acted 459
1002 acting 2276
1508 action 1306
3417 actions 415
9392 activated 86
5008 active 236
5617 activities 199
3907 activity 340
3160 actor 464
5843 actors 186
4893 actress 244
4142 acts 312
3064 actual 486
229 actually 16585
3128 ad 471
1023 Adam 2219
5594 Adam's 200
6081 Adams 174
1808 add 1023
4773 added 253
6968 addict 141
7302 addicted 130
7278 addiction 131
7057 adding 138
5954 addition 180
7512 additional 124
1643 address 1166
8541 addressed 100
8907 adds 93
8454 adebisi 102
8639 adios 98
7894 adjourned 114
5880 adjust 184
9307 adjusted 87
9391 adjusting 86
8174 adjustment 108
6621 Adler 153
6702 administration 150
8687 admiral 97
3256 admire 445
8173 admired 108
7585 admission 122
774 admit 3091
2980 admitted 509
5647 admitting 197
9306 adolescent 87
5573 adopt 201
4000 adopted 328
4796 adoption 251
3835 adorable 349
5572 adore 201
7369 adores 128
6845 ads 145
2838 adult 546
4066 adults 321
4266 advance 300
5167 advanced 226
1830 advantage 1007
3596 adventure 387
9520 adventures 84
6844 advertising 145
1081 advice 2024
4990 advise 237
7548 advised 123
8408 advisor 103
2043 affair 865
4141 affairs 312
3240 affect 448
4678 affected 260
8407 affecting 103
5541 affection 203
6133 affects 172
1707 afford 1103
423 afraid 7587
3212 Africa 455
5087 African 232
180 after 22182
1112 afternoon 1941
3595 afterwards 387
158 again 26472
485 against 6064
1139 age 1899
6871 aged 144
2906 agency 526
3295 agenda 439
1227 agent 1721
3388 agents 420
4542 ages 273
5708 aggressive 193
8074 agh 110
9519 agitated 84
7584 Agnes 122
414 ago 7836
7368 agony 128
897 agree 2584
1424 agreed 1403
7329 agreeing 129
2694 agreement 588
6911 agrees 143
306 ah 11347
4404 aha 287
531 ahead 5364
1605 ahem 1206
1853 ahh 993
4469 ahhh 280
9051 ahhhh 91
6364 ahold 163
3923 aid 337
2470 Aidan 664
4270 aids 299
5270 aim 219
594 ain't 4541
769 air 3126
9305 aircraft 87
6363 airline 163
5296 airplane 217
1682 airport 1135
3573 aisle 390
4104 aitoro 316
651 Al 3958
3519 Al's 398
9238 Alabama 88
1184 Alan 1805
8540 alan's 100
2490 alarm 657
9665 alarms 82
6100 Alaska 173
4933 Albert 241
5423 album 209
1730 Alcazar 1086
4720 Alcazar's 257
3159 alcohol 464
6229 alcoholic 168
8730 ale 96
6575 Alec 155
3906 alert 340
1285 Alex 1609
5683 Alexander 195
2410 Alexandra 688
995 Alexis 2287
8358 Alfred 104
3465 Ali 407
5931 alibi 181
3144 Alice 467
2952 alien 514
3572 aliens 390
3845 alike 348
820 Alison 2910
5246 Alison's 221
4325 Alistair 294
585 alive 4628
34 all 158281
9902 all's 79
9901 Allah 79
7936 alleged 113
7027 Allen 139
4508 allergic 276
9124 allergies 90
3476 alley 404
5334 alliance 215
1807 Allison 1023
1530 allow 1274
7893 allowance 114
1536 allowed 1270
6312 allowing 165
7935 allows 113
6311 allright 165
4704 ally 258
6993 almighty 140
488 almost 6037
316 alone 10813
549 along 5147
8729 alongside 96
4507 Alonzo 276
6228 alpha 168
287 already 12233
470 alright 6348
516 also 5583
4964 altar 239
7746 alter 118
9123 altered 90
7436 alternate 126
4335 alternative 293
1335 although 1520
6810 altogether 146
8129 alvarez 109
194 always 20581
125 am 37814
1776 Amanda 1044
7207 amateur 133
6200 amazed 169
738 amazing 3294
6465 ambassador 159
1346 Amber 1505
6936 Amber's 142
7397 ambition 127
7825 ambitious 116
8906 ambrosia 93
2717 ambulance 583
9304 ambush 87
3579 amen 389
7117 amendment 136
8307 amends 105
1622 America 1187
7301 America's 130
1169 American 1835
3049 Americans 489
9390 amigo 86
8686 ammo 97
7787 ammunition 117
5110 amnesia 230
2548 among 635
8020 amongst 111
2610 amount 613
3267 amp 443
7277 amulet 131
4963 amusing 239
1664 Amy 1150
9518 Amy's 84
102 an 49832
5227 analysis 222
7892 analyze 114
8172 ancestors 108
6967 anchor 141
2959 ancient 512
6 and 480214
5263 Anderson 220
3191 Andie 459
8592 andre 99
3630 Andrew 381
1771 Andy 1047
866 Angel or angel 2701
6199 angel's 169
4393 Angela 288
3905 Angeles 340
9122 Angelo 90
3687 angels 371
8784 angelus 95
2308 anger 734
6870 Angie 144
3800 angle 355
860 angry 2747
2031 animal 871
2484 animals 659
9121 Anita 90
5109 ankle 230
9973 ankles 78
5122 Ann 229
8840 Ann's 94
1343 Anna 1509
4633 Anne 264
9517 Annette 84
2195 annie 783
2697 anniversary 587
4719 announce 257
7247 announced 132
4369 announcement 290
3387 annoying 420
5667 annual 196
9120 annulled 90
3588 annulment 388
4772 anonymous 253
252 another 14541
491 answer 6016
2885 answered 532
2979 answering 509
1532 answers 1273
8128 ant 109
4892 Anthony 244
3682 anti 373
7623 antibiotics 121
9389 anticipated 86
7891 antidote 114
6843 antique 145
757 Antonio 3188
4441 Antonio's 283
8406 ants 103
6783 anxiety 147
3017 anxious 498
138 any 34203
4703 Anya 258
468 anybody 6376
4598 anybody's 267
4609 anyhow 266
400 anymore 8160
368 anyone 9050
3999 anyone's 328
8073 anyplace 110
135 anything 34635
7177 anything's 134
2087 anytime 841
382 anyway 8517
4771 anyways 253
668 anywhere 3821
978 apart 2336
814 apartment 2920
8405 apartments 103
9516 ape 84
8539 apollo 100
5403 apologies 210
8783 apologise 95
1116 apologize 1932
5553 apologized 202
5879 apologizing 184
2307 apology 734
7981 apophis 112
8839 apparent 94
1148 apparently 1885
4265 appeal 300
8453 appealing 102
2837 appear 546
4392 appearance 288
8496 appearances 101
5707 appeared 193
3132 appears 470
4597 appetite 267
8728 applause 96
3031 apple 493
6132 apples 172
4834 application 249
9972 applications 78
7145 applied 135
4097 apply 317
9050 applying 91
6760 appointed 148
1891 appointment 971
6992 appointments 140
727 appreciate 3379
5977 appreciated 179
7246 appreciates 132
6759 appreciation 148
3154 approach 465
8495 approached 101
7088 approaching 137
3211 appropriate 455
4520 approval 275
3776 approve 358
6038 approved 176
6991 approximately 140
5333 April 215
9388 apron 86
8727 architect 96
8905 arctic 93
36 are 152650
1509 area 1305
6809 areas 146
404 aren't 8065
9749 arena 81
9049 argh 91
2474 argue 662
9454 argued 85
3374 arguing 422
2557 argument 631
6910 arguments 143
6131 Arizona 172
1447 arm 1376
3214 armed 454
7206 armor 133
1235 arms 1707
8838 Armstrong 94
1780 army 1043
3288 Arnold 440
187 around 21591
9119 arraignment 90
3587 arrange 388
3287 arranged 440
3990 arrangement 329
3294 arrangements 439
1307 arrest 1567
1567 arrested 1237
7087 arresting 137
6732 arrival 149
4028 arrive 325
2273 arrived 750
6260 arrives 167
7056 arriving 138
5136 arrogant 228
7824 arrow 116
5315 arson 216
1408 art 1418
8591 artery 99
4596 Arthur 267
2845 article 544
6620 articles 153
2655 artist 600
9748 artistic 81
6574 artists 155
5086 arts 232
71 as 67977
1758 Asa 1067
6808 asa's 146
7116 asap 136
2811 ash 553
2394 ashamed 694
4643 ashes 263
2240 Ashley 765
9971 Ashley's 78
9303 Ashton 87
8971 asia 92
7086 Asian 137
2028 aside 873
257 ask 14194
446 asked 7009
8685 askin 97
572 asking 4851
3380 asks 421
1481 asleep 1339
8072 aspen 110
5184 aspirin 225
652 ass 3947
7890 assassin 114
8209 assassination 107
3464 assault 407
9302 assaulted 87
8171 assembly 108
5390 asses 211
8837 asset 94
5793 assets 189
2306 asshole 734
6292 assholes 166
5052 assigned 234
2777 assignment 563
8404 assignments 103
6701 assist 150
5540 assistance 203
2078 assistant 845
4856 associate 247
9515 associated 84
6149 associates 171
6173 association 170
1480 assume 1340
2943 assumed 517
2869 assuming 537
8127 assumption 109
2731 assure 579
5245 assured 221
9048 asylum 91
59 at 93433
2281 ate 747
9664 athletic 82
7622 Atlanta 121
4334 Atlantic 293
6291 atmosphere 166
3566 attached 391
1274 attack 1627
2547 attacked 636
5051 attacking 234
5108 attacks 230
3149 attempt 466
4884 attempted 245
8452 attempting 102
9047 attempts 91
3918 attend 339
9900 attended 79
6464 attending 159
955 attention 2397
3165 attic 463
1829 attitude 1007
1249 attorney 1682
6935 attorneys 142
7823 attract 116
3131 attracted 470
5314 attraction 216
2473 attractive 662
6512 au 157
4588 auction 268
2814 audience 552
9811 audio 80
3866 audition 345
9514 auditions 84
2683 Audrey 591
5183 august 225
976 aunt 2339
8638 auntie 98
5734 aunts 192
1642 Austin 1171
5616 Australia 199
9118 authentic 90
7980 author 112
4041 authorities 324
3252 authority 446
9513 authorization 84
8126 authorized 109
5135 auto 228
6130 autograph 172
8019 automatic 111
6966 automatically 141
9663 automobile 82
6015 autopsy 177
2021 available 877
8590 avanya 99
4855 avatar 247
5050 avenue 234
3858 average 346
2175 avoid 796
8071 avoided 110
3771 avoiding 359
1164 aw 1845
9301 awaits 87
2120 awake 824
3489 award 402
6463 awards 159
1552 aware 1251
170 away 24543
9747 awe 81
2446 awesome 675
1140 awful 1893
2843 awfully 545
2629 awhile 608
2933 awkward 518
7856 awright 115
4702 aww 258
7144 awww 135
7511 ax 124
8836 axe 94
6227 ay 168
4201 aye 307
809 B. 2928
3664 ba 376
6869 babbling 144
2048 babe 862
8782 babes 95
1779 babies 1043
231 baby 16514
2024 baby's 875
6062 babysitter 175
8125 babysitting 109
4632 bachelor 264
78 back 63115
4667 backed 261
9387 backfire 86
9386 backfired 86
3502 background 400
5121 backing 229
7328 backpack 129
5295 backs 217
7367 backstage 128
3340 backup 430
4126 backwards 314
6593 backyard 154
4134 bacon 313
217 bad 17636
3198 badge 458
1985 badly 899
1026 bag 2209
9512 bagel 84
6172 baggage 170
2538 bags 639
9662 bah 82
9587 Bahamas 83
2311 bail 732
6171 bailed 170
7276 Bailey 131
8451 bailing 102
4391 bait 288
5896 bake 183
5552 baked 202
4918 baker 242
9046 bakery 91
8357 baking 104
3501 balance 400
4690 balcony 259
4891 bald 244
2153 Baldwin 806
9661 Baldwin's 82
1029 ball 2200
6339 ballet 164
7889 ballistic 114
5682 balloon 195
6842 balloons 145
2546 balls 636
6511 Balsom 157
9117 Baltimore 90
5706 bam 193
8781 Bambi 95
5182 banana 225
9511 bananas 84
1524 band 1284
9660 bandages 82
7547 bands 123
3488 bang 402
7115 banging 136
1383 bank 1460
8403 banking 103
9180 bankrupt 89
3088 banks 480
6148 banner 171
960 bar 2376
3756 barb 361
1019 Barbara 2235
6198 Barbara's 169
5362 barbecue 213
9453 barber 85
7473 Barbie 125
4718 bare 257
1594 barely 1215
3792 bargain 356
9746 bargaining 81
6462 barge 159
8970 barging 92
7435 bark 126
8726 barking 96
3263 barn 444
6037 Barnes 176
7710 Barney 119
5593 barrel 200
6700 Barrett 150
6673 Barrington 151
2693 Barry 588
2517 bars 646
2880 Bart 533
4191 bartender 308
5389 Bartlet 211
9745 barto 81
6129 Barton 172
2209 base 777
2626 baseball 609
2073 based 846
2409 basement 688
8637 bases 98
9586 bash 83
3402 basic 417
2142 basically 810
3968 basis 332
3463 basket 407
3305 basketball 435
8356 bass 104
1549 bastard 1257
3917 bastards 339
2785 bat 561
6990 batch 140
2585 bath 621
6758 bathing 148
1370 bathroom 1474
8589 bathtub 99
5551 Batman 202
8636 bats 98
6290 batteries 166
4973 battery 238
8684 batting 97
2297 battle 741
6989 battles 140
3319 Bauer 433
7245 Baxter 132
3134 bay 469
25 be 191823
1704 beach 1108
4962 beacon 239
8402 beale 103
6807 beam 146
6988 bean 140
4057 beans 322
1681 bear 1135
5422 beard 209
6592 bearing 154
5361 bears 213
3891 beast 342
942 beat 2440
4989 beaten 237
2836 beating 546
3436 beats 411
416 beautiful 7813
7085 beautifully 137
1940 beauty 926
5049 Bebe 234
1961 became 911
95 because 53566
8683 Beckett 97
5215 Becky 223
841 become 2816
3293 becomes 439
2502 becoming 652
515 bed 5589
1488 bedroom 1331
8682 bedrooms 97
6806 beds 146
8124 bedside 109
6226 bedtime 168
6036 bee 176
7434 Beecher 126
3653 beef 379
91 been 55235
6080 beep 174
1264 beer 1651
5026 beers 235
8306 bees 105
165 before 25329
1837 beg 1000
3298 began 438
3810 begged 354
2591 begging 619
1331 begin 1526
1093 beginning 2001
3989 begins 329
4988 begun 237
4219 behalf 305
3882 behave 343
8780 behaved 95
8070 behaving 110
1994 behavior 896
9744 behaviour 81
528 behind 5388
7026 behold 139
6225 bein 168
213 being 18666
5646 beings 197
8069 bela 110
4261 belief 301
8635 beliefs 98
9385 believable 86
172 believe 24210
1629 believed 1181
2794 believes 558
3105 believing 476
2676 bell 595
7709 Bella 119
1256 belle or Belle 1671
6934 Belle's 142
5048 bells 234
4621 belly 265
1441 belong 1382
4677 belonged 260
2203 belongs 781
4506 beloved 276
3619 below 383
3120 belt 473
6933 Belthazor 142
9510 belts 84
742 Ben 3262
5733 Ben's 192
4157 bench 311
4459 bend 281
4541 beneath 273
2675 benefit 595
5283 benefits 218
4987 Benjamin 237
3442 Bennett 410
3603 Benny 386
4519 bent 275
7583 Benton 122
3865 Berg 345
6128 Berlin 172
3416 Bermuda 415
9899 Bernard 79
8018 Bernie 111
8969 bert 92
3809 beside 354
730 besides 3355
7979 Bessie 112
258 best 14094
592 bet 4548
8538 betcha 100
961 Beth 2375
7546 Beth's 123
3988 betray 329
5878 betrayal 184
2747 betrayed 575
8450 betraying 102
6757 bets 148
7582 Betsy 122
5792 Bette 189
166 better 25282
6224 betting 168
3475 Betty 404
424 between 7585
6544 Beverly 156
7545 beware 123
1581 beyond 1225
1435 Bianca 1390
8779 Bianca's 95
4218 bible 305
7327 bicycle 129
5181 bid 225
7055 bidding 138
201 big 19520
1495 bigger 1322
1635 biggest 1177
2265 bike 753
9898 bikes 79
8401 bikini 103
899 bill 2572
4550 Billie 272
4324 billion 294
9179 billions 89
3318 bills 433
846 Billy or billy 2797
5732 Billy's 192
8256 bimbo 106
5438 bin 208
8835 bind 94
9810 binding 80
5791 bing 189
5047 bingo 234
3351 biological 428
6909 biology 143
9237 biopsy 88
1852 bird 993
9585 birdie 83
3010 birds 500
1827 birth 1008
898 birthday 2580
8588 bishop 99
437 bit 7158
974 bitch 2341
6731 bitches 149
1683 bite 1132
6841 bites 145
7621 biting 121
5615 bits 199
9178 bitten 89
3834 bitter 349
3899 bizarre 341
751 black or Black 3217
3747 blackmail 362
7934 blackmailed 113
5976 blackmailing 179
9384 blackout 86
4761 blade 254
2077 blah 845
1084 Blair 2017
7366 Blair's 128
1897 Blake 961
810 blame 2923
5347 blamed 214
6543 blames 156
3072 blaming 483
4293 blank 297
3698 blanket 369
7300 blankets 130
8494 blanks 101
3401 blast 417
5282 bleed 218
2338 bleeding 717
7299 blend 130
2888 bless 531
3916 blessed 339
4323 blessing 294
7544 blessings 123
1728 blew 1087
1787 blind 1039
7543 blink 123
7472 bliss 125
8017 blizzard 111
2080 block 844
5914 blocked 182
7298 blocking 130
4190 blocks 308
5281 blond 218
2904 blonde 527
9045 blondie 91
593 blood 4542
7542 blooded 123
1901 bloody 957
8208 bloom 107
7888 blouse 114
1004 blow 2268
3058 blowing 487
3016 blown 498
3831 blows 350
1037 blue 2180
9383 blueberry 86
7471 blues 125
6289 bluff 166
6223 bluffing 168
7581 blunt 122
8968 blushing 92
859 Bo 2751
7433 bo's 126
1192 board 1786
3775 boarding 358
8123 boards 109
1125 boat 1915
9809 boathouse 80
5134 boats 228
1198 Bob or bob 1776
9659 Bob's 82
3361 Bobbie 426
1847 Bobby or bobby 995
2664 bodies 598
618 body 4271
8634 body's 98
6782 bodyguard 147
6127 bogus 172
7708 boil 119
6338 bold 164
6222 bolt 168
1871 bomb 981
7396 bomber 127
9177 bombing 89
7084 bombs 137
5895 bon 183
2499 bond 654
9584 bonded 83
6035 bonding 176
6126 bonds 172
2296 bone 741
2776 bones 563
1627 Bonnie 1184
5262 bonus 220
3529 boo 397
6756 boobs 148
560 book 5027
3528 booked 397
1290 books 1600
7707 bookstore 119
3038 boom 491
7470 boost 125
5085 boot 232
4075 booth 320
3507 boots 399
8904 booty 93
4426 booze 284
9509 boragora 84
4484 border 278
6061 bore 175
2754 bored 572
9658 boredom 82
1969 boring 907
1114 born 1936
2278 borrow 749
4074 borrowed 320
1091 boss 2003
8305 bosses 105
2887 Boston 531
312 both 11035
1073 bother 2042
3734 bothered 363
2361 bothering 706
4292 bothers 297
1580 bottle 1225
9583 bottled 83
4948 bottles 240
1366 bottom 1480
1028 bought 2201
5346 bounce 214
8255 bouncing 106
3027 bound 494
7822 boundaries 116
7510 bounty 124
7275 bouquet 131
8016 bourbon 111
1872 bout or 'bout 980
6672 boutique 151
4073 bow 320
2991 bowl 506
4620 bowling 265
990 box 2304
9808 boxer 80
3657 boxes 378
7541 boxing 123
311 boy 11050
3663 boy's 376
5614 Boyd 199
895 boyfriend 2589
6868 boyfriend's 144
6170 boyfriends 170
660 boys 3888
8967 bozo 92
4440 bra 283
7580 brace 122
4018 bracelet 326
1239 Brad 1694
7620 Brad's 121
6060 Bradley 175
1166 Brady 1841
7326 Brady's 129
8834 brag 94
9300 bragging 87
1127 brain 1911
2905 brains 526
7509 brake 124
7176 brakes 134
5388 branch 211
2932 brand 518
1975 Brandon 904
3317 brandy 433
5500 brass 205
4841 brat 248
2055 brave 856
4478 bravo 279
7432 breach 126
2978 bread 509
448 break 6941
4883 breakdown 245
9044 breaker 91
1137 breakfast 1901
1468 breaking 1355
2925 breaks 519
7887 breakthrough 114
7619 breakup 121
4882 breast 245
4986 breasts 237
1499 breath 1319
1311 breathe 1561
2036 breathing 870
8903 breaths 93
7274 breed 131
9807 breeding 80
6619 breeze 153
1061 Brenda 2072
4881 Brenda's 245
1670 Brian 1146
8254 brian 106
5025 bribe 235
5613 brick 199
8966 bricks 92
8122 bridal 109
1798 bride 1031
8725 bridesmaid 96
2221 bridge 773
9970 bridges 78
1238 Bridget 1697
7244 Bridget's 132
3982 brief 330
4932 briefcase 241
6288 briefing 166
9806 briefly 80
1775 bright or Bright 1044
1805 brilliant 1026
389 bring 8320
1363 bringing 1483
1958 brings 912
6169 Bristow 170
8902 brit 93
3816 British 353
1906 Brittany 953
9299 Brittany's 87
2748 bro 574
4384 broad 289
5773 broadcast 190
6645 Broadway 152
9743 brochure 81
9582 Brock 83
8633 brody 98
785 broke 3044
1080 broken 2026
7618 broker 121
7706 bronze 119
799 Brooke 2969
5166 Brooke's 226
5375 Brooklyn 212
6671 brooks 151
6908 broom 143
411 brother 7952
2382 brother's 697
1849 brothers 994
561 brought 5010
1706 brown or Brown 1105
3556 Bruce 393
8449 bruise 102
8833 bruised 94
7175 bruises 134
8724 brunch 96
5522 Bruno 204
3998 brush 328
5790 brutal 189
2556 Bryant 631
7786 Bryant's 117
4483 bubble 278
8493 bubbles 101
2437 Buchanan 679
3130 buck 470
8681 buckaroo 97
5133 bucket 228
8170 buckle 108
1230 bucks 1717
2139 bud 811
4419 buddies 285
862 buddy 2743
9969 budge 78
3981 budget 330
6002 buff 178
6781 buffalo 147
9657 buffet 82
1040 Buffy 2162
6441 Buffy's 160
2594 bug 618
8253 bugged 106
9897 bugger 79
5313 bugging 216
3808 bugs 354
6932 buh 142
1746 build 1073
912 building 2546
6670 buildings 151
1993 built 896
9298 bulb 87
2674 bull 595
4439 bulldog 283
2160 bullet 803
8252 bulletin 106
4056 bullets 322
8207 bulls 107
2083 bullshit 843
6362 bully 163
3643 bum 380
7667 bummed 120
7821 bummer 116
4277 bump 298
6099 bumped 173
9236 bumper 88
9382 bumps 86
1228 bunch 1720
8492 bundle 101
3762 Bundy 360
9176 bunk 89
4017 bunny 326
7666 buns 120
4735 burden 256
4795 bureau 251
4008 burger 327
6168 burgers 170
7705 burial 119
2380 buried 698
6669 Burke 151
1640 burn 1173
2231 burned 769
1933 burning 934
2817 burns 551
5842 burnt 186
4403 burst 287
8778 Burt 95
3537 bury 396
9896 burying 79
1451 bus 1373
5681 bush 195
7665 bushes 120
355 business 9295
9968 businesses 78
6840 businessman 145
2487 bust 658
2761 busted 569
4833 Buster 249
6001 busting 178
748 busy 3229
33 but 159109
8491 butch 101
8965 butcher 92
6337 butler 164
7886 buts 114
1415 butt 1413
3125 butter 472
9235 butterfly 88
4345 butters 292
2616 button 612
4794 buttons 251
6965 butts 141
610 buy 4345
8680 buyer 97
1815 buying 1019
6000 buys 178
3158 buzz 464
9895 buzzing 79
132 by 35500
370 bye 8969
9894 bygones 79
9805 bypass 80
629 C. 4166
7617 c'mere 121
1163 c'mon 1851
8448 ca 102
2117 cab 826
2415 cabin 686
4840 cabinet 248
3238 cable 449
5592 Cabot 200
7325 Cadillac 129
7704 Caesar 119
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5700 grandmother's 193
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198 guys 19953
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1879 H. 976
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7845 Harvey's 115
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305 having 11481
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86 he's 57551
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1997 Helena 893
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633 here's 4130
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58 him 96536
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90 his 55502
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2009 hm 882
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9869 Hodges 79
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330 hold 10254
1953 Holden 915
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956 holding 2394
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22 just 196810
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4998 kraft 236
1731 Kramer 1085
3171 Kristen 462
2270 Kristina 751
9559 Kristina's 83
9432 Kurt 85
1278 Kyle 1618
6527 Kyle's 156
1279 L. 1617
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8760 laboratory 95
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2806 lawyers 554
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2800 leader 556
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2428 letters 682
1106 letting 1954
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2212 Lewis 776
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1828 Lexie 1007
8472 lexie's 101
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9280 liability 87
9558 liable 83
9348 liaison 86
1687 liar 1128
9709 liars 81
3668 Libby 375
8522 liberal 100
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2285 library 745
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596 lie 4536
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1450 lies 1373
2015 lieutenant 880
139 life 34192
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46 like 121194
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5687 Lilith 194
6957 Lillian 141
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1835 Lily 1001
8430 lily's 102
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9708 limbo 81
9088 lime 90
4173 limit 309
9010 limitations 91
5091 limited 231
4164 limits 310
3679 limo 373
8938 limousine 92
9215 limp 88
5606 Lincoln 199
3296 Linda 438
9009 Lindley 91
934 Lindsay 2461
6380 Lindsay' 162
5562 Lindsey 201
518 line 5564
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8804 linen 94
1976 lines 903
6890 ling 143
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6326 lining 164
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8937 linked 92
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8048 lions 110
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4340 liquor 292
2227 lisa 770
919 list 2518
6610 listed 153
195 listen 20142
2883 listened 532
9431 listeners 85
1033 listening 2186
6501 listens 157
8759 lists 95
3720 lit 365
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7131 literature 135
105 little 47885
4788 Liv 251
349 live 9507
1362 lived 1485
3549 liver 394
553 lives 5095
7956 livin 112
565 living 4999
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6800 Livvie's 146
1298 Liz 1581
7841 Liz's 115
1357 Liza 1491
6247 Liza's 167
9858 lizard 79
2489 Lizzie 657
5509 ll 204
7685 llanfair 119
2787 llanview 559
3628 Lloyd 381
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3492 loaded 401
8936 loading 92
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9857 locals 79
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6425 located 160
3078 location 481
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8878 locket 93
7568 locking 122
6276 locks 166
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4957 logical 239
5416 Lois 209
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192 long 21086
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6561 Lonigan 155
7870 Lonnie 114
73 look 67262
720 looked 3431
2919 lookin 521
262 looking 13843
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388 looks 8337
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4806 loop 250
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6526 loosen 156
4088 Lopez 318
1047 lord 2139
2207 Lorelai 778
3208 Lorelei 455
6379 Lorenzo 162
8340 Lorraine 104
3469 los 405
521 lose 5459
1912 loser 951
4185 losers 308
4683 loses 259
1085 losing 2013
1937 loss 929
7455 losses 125
387 lost 8348
202 lot 19421
9008 lotion 91
1460 lots 1365
6275 lotta 166
8095 lottery 109
3847 Lou 347
1769 loud 1051
5987 louder 178
4184 Louie 308
3093 Louis 478
3740 Louise 362
8877 Louisiana 93
5635 lounge 197
2102 lousy 832
112 love 42994
9087 love's 90
9430 lovebirds 85
571 loved 4851
1016 lovely 2239
2539 lover 638
3852 lovers 346
663 loves 3876
1421 loving 1407
1240 low 1690
9429 Lowell 85
2753 lower 572
7602 lowest 121
7415 lowlife 126
3153 loyal 465
3447 loyalty 409
2549 lt 634
2105 Lucas 831
9278 Lucien 87
9853 Lucille 79
3054 Lucinda 487
9852 Lucinda's 79
672 luck 3792
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5688 luckily 194
511 lucky 5631
8568 lucky's 99
714 Lucy 3450
4628 Lucy's 264
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675 Luis 3773
887 Luke 2614
4481 Luke's 278
6424 Lulu 160
8428 lump 102
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877 lunch 2660
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4781 lungs 252
7074 lure 137
8094 lurking 109
6856 lust 144
7010 Luther 139
6525 luxury 156
9214 Lydecker 88
9626 Lydia 82
666 lying 3837
9625 Lyman 82
7009 Lynn 139
5017 Lynne 235
7567 lyrics 122
941 M. 2440
8520 m'kay 100
2189 ma 788
1197 ma'am 1777
1310 Mac 1561
8047 Mac's 110
1291 machine 1599
4780 machines 252
6889 macho 143
4524 MacIver 274
6423 Mack 160
2958 Mackenzie 512
4363 Macy 290
721 mad 3407
3739 madam 362
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211 made 18872
7916 Madeline 113
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7259 madly 131
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5836 madness 186
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9624 mafia 82
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4779 magazines 252
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3555 magical 393
9428 magically 85
8093 magician 109
9277 magnet 87
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2584 maid 621
9623 maiden 82
1350 mail 1497
9427 mailbox 85
9086 mailed 90
9276 mails 87
2049 main 861
9485 Maine 84
8046 mainly 110
4969 maintain 238
5265 maintenance 219
4249 majesty 302
1034 major 2181
6051 majority 175
106 make 46154
6118 maker 172
408 makes 8001
3738 makeup 362
5433 makin 208
380 making 8623
2134 Malcolm 812
9943 Malcolm's 78
2468 male 666
6190 Malkovich 169
2859 mall 540
6956 Mallory 141
1010 mama 2257
6500 mama's 157
5561 mami 201
6300 mamie 165
128 man 37355
1482 man's 1337
2397 manage 692
2439 managed 677
4682 management 259
2317 manager 727
9942 mandatory 78
4424 Mandy 284
4434 Manhattan 283
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5868 manipulate 184
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7684 manipulating 119
6955 manipulative 141
7601 mankind 121
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4328 manner 293
4228 manners 304
2862 manning 539
6142 Manny 171
8701 manor 96
2755 mansion 571
9085 manslaughter 90
5063 manticore 233
6353 manual 163
383 many 8504
2324 map 725
9557 maps 83
9347 mar 86
1702 Marah 1111
7647 marathon 120
7566 Marcel 122
3558 march 392
7383 marching 127
8518 marcie 100
5173 marco 225
4648 Marcus 262
3886 Marcy 342
2967 Margaret 510
4327 Marge 293
1675 Margo 1140
8378 margo's 103
1315 Maria 1553
5634 Maria's 197
7529 Marian 123
7565 Marianne 122
4107 Marie 315
7226 marijuana 132
7159 Marilyn 134
3123 marina 472
6422 marine 160
9275 marines 87
2609 Maris 613
3921 Marissa 337
8092 marital 109
1183 Mark or mark 1809
5469 marked 206
2041 market 868
6450 marketing 159
3841 marks 348
3600 Marlena 386
9346 marler 86
8700 Marlo 96
6722 Marone 149
634 marriage 4129
7158 marriages 134
377 married 8798
9426 marries 85
5744 marrow 191
702 marry 3564
1854 marrying 992
5036 Mars 234
6050 marsh 175
8471 marshal 101
2013 marshall 881
8699 mart 96
9213 Marta 88
4887 Martha 244
1741 Martin 1077
9212 Martinez 88
4742 martini 255
9707 martinis 81
2689 Marty 589
5674 marvelous 195
6609 Marvin 153
1179 Mary 1815
9274 Mary's 87
9484 mash 84
9622 mashed 82
3870 mask 344
7646 masks 120
5147 mason 227
3392 mass 418
3977 massage 330
3008 Massimo 500
4941 massive 240
1882 master 975
9706 masterpiece 81
8232 masters 106
8002 mat 111
1565 match 1237
8663 matched 97
4093 matches 317
6421 matching 160
2573 mate 624
2337 Mateo 717
2809 material 553
9345 materials 86
9851 maternal 79
6635 mates 152
2882 math 532
9273 matrimony 87
2578 Matt 623
301 matter 11578
6560 mattered 155
1281 matters 1614
2422 Matthew 684
9483 Matthew's 84
8001 Matthews 111
5633 mattress 197
3638 mature 380
2089 Maureen 840
5448 Maurice 207
674 Max or max. 3773
7770 Max's 117
4244 Maxie 303
6658 maximum 151
6954 Maxine 141
8427 maxwell 102
289 may or May 12199
7414 Maya 126
126 maybe 37653
8935 mayday 92
9272 mayhem 87
8876 mayo 93
2588 mayor 620
8339 mayor's 104
8091 maze 109
9084 McGarry 90
7683 McIntyre 119
5397 McKinnon 210
6479 McManus 158
9556 McMillan 83
7840 McPhee 115
10 me 312326
2304 meal 735
6117 meals 172
80 mean 61504
1555 meaning 1248
7382 meaningful 127
6394 meaningless 161
410 means 7980
588 meant 4596
2367 meantime 701
3651 meanwhile 379
4925 measure 241
6608 measures 153
2034 meat 870
6888 mechanic 143
9211 mechanical 88
9621 mechanism 82
4980 med 237
6070 medal 174
3452 media 408
1244 medical 1687
2822 medication 549
2098 medicine 835
8470 medina 101
5324 medium 215
7682 meds 119
381 meet 8608
598 meeting 4532
4087 meetings 318
5127 meets 228
6559 meg 155
4172 Megan 309
2914 Mel 522
6745 Melanie 148
4209 Melissa 306
5835 melt 186
8153 meltdown 108
9620 melted 82
9344 melting 86
2295 member 741
2752 members 572
7808 membership 116
5965 memo 179
9850 memorable 79
3758 memorial 360
1668 memories 1147
1182 memory 1811
7839 Memphis 115
508 men 5678
4567 men's 270
8338 menace 104
8337 mend 104
2665 mental 597
6721 mentally 149
944 mention 2434
1712 mentioned 1100
8336 mentioning 104
6607 mentor 153
4037 menu 324
7008 meow 139
8662 mercedes 97
7807 merchandise 116
3232 mercy 450
6558 mere 155
3976 merely 330
9941 merger 78
8934 merit 92
9210 Merle 88
1918 merry 948
921 mess 2516
834 message 2846
2387 messages 695
2176 messed 795
4308 messenger 295
8152 messes 108
3112 messing 474
5276 messy 218
559 met 5032
4060 metal 321
8151 metaphor 108
8284 meteor 105
7346 meter 128
9705 meters 81
6352 method 163
7073 methods 137
5370 Mexican 212
2650 Mexico 601
6049 mi 175
1705 Mia 1105
4627 Miami 264
8613 mice 98
662 Michael 3878
4465 Michael's 280
6351 Michel 163
1621 Michelle 1188
5623 Michigan 198
6557 Mick 155
3020 mickey 495
9209 microphone 88
7494 microwave 124
4924 mid 241
845 middle 2802
2396 midnight 692
9555 midst 83
240 might 15774
4405 might've 286
3627 mighty 381
874 Miguel 2678
6378 Miguel's 162
9083 mija 90
5492 mijo 205
1027 Mike 2205
7195 Mike's 133
4755 Mikey 254
7454 Milan 125
7101 mild 136
9554 mildly 83
2861 mile 539
1219 miles or Miles 1731
2653 military 600
2001 milk 891
4864 mill 246
6048 millennium 175
4626 Miller 264
827 million 2873
9208 millionaire 88
2948 millions 515
6744 Milo 148
2679 Mimi 592
241 mind 15364
5158 minded 226
8802 minding 94
2781 minds 562
9082 Mindy 90
462 mine 6503
7645 mine's 120
8377 mines 103
5062 mini 233
4956 minimum 239
3780 minister 357
3355 minor 427
5942 mint 180
5126 minus 228
294 minute 11903
435 minutes 7185
1783 miracle 1042
4501 miracles 276
9849 miraculous 79
5304 Miranda 216
2419 mirror 685
7564 mirrors 122
1954 miserable 914
3505 misery 399
9553 misguided 83
10000 misjudged 77
7806 misplaced 116
376 miss 8806
786 missed 3043
4513 misses 275
7345 missile 128
6924 missiles 142
835 missing 2845
1662 mission 1151
9482 Mississippi 84
4585 missy 268
625 mistake 4185
3896 mistaken 341
1652 mistakes 1162
1461 mister 1363
5743 mistress 191
8933 misunderstand 92
3779 misunderstanding 357
4825 misunderstood 249
1381 Mitch 1464
6325 Mitchell 164
5203 Mitzi 223
2688 mix 589
2928 mixed 518
9271 mixing 87
482 mm 6192 (see also mmm)
949 mmm 2414 (see also mm)
5415 mmmm 209
8932 mnh 92
6089 mo 173
3504 mob 399
8195 mobile 107
6606 mock 153
8931 mocking 92
7308 mode 129
2360 model 706
5964 modeling 179
5396 models 210
4339 modern 292
7072 modest 137
9552 moi 83
7071 mojo 137
8612 mold 98
7007 mole 139
9704 molecular 81
1267 Molly 1638
6116 Molly's 172
218 mom 17514
1562 mom's 1241
502 moment 5770
9270 moment's 87
2452 moments 673
7006 momma 139
998 mommy 2281
4275 mommy's 298
7157 moms 134
4298 Mon 296
8930 mona 92
2639 Monday 604
268 money 13456
5380 money's 211
1507 Monica 1306
7307 Monica's 129
7413 Monique 126
4119 monitor 314
9207 monitors 88
7100 monk 136
2197 monkey 782
5673 monkeys 195
8469 monroe 101
5888 monsieur 183
1794 monster 1034
4872 monsters 245
8517 montana 100
6584 Monte 154
6524 Montega 156
2560 Montgomery 628
1159 month 1856
611 months 4333
7344 monty 128
9081 moo 90
1433 mood 1393
9481 moody 84
1809 moon 1022
7869 moonlight 114
8045 Moore 110
7194 moose 133
8875 mop 93
3564 moral 391
9780 morality 80
8755 morals 95
117 more 40239
2239 Morgan 765
8567 morgendorffer 99
5761 morgue 190
7728 mornin 118
339 morning 9823
9480 mornings 84
4163 moron 310
9703 morons 81
9007 morphine 91
5822 Morris 187
3282 mortal 441
7412 mortals 126
7838 mortgage 115
8283 Moscow 105
8929 moses 92
8000 moss 111
344 most 9699
2268 mostly 752
3099 motel 477
225 mother 16855
1209 mother's 1754
3902 motherfucker 340
4118 mothers 314
3177 motion 461
7493 motivated 124
8566 motivation 99
3468 motive 406
6499 motives 157
5061 motor 233
4263 motorcycle 300
8282 motto 105
6350 mount 163
2881 mountain 532
4423 mountains 284
9779 mounted 80
6498 mountie 157
9619 mourn 82
7225 mourning 132
3840 mouse 348
843 mouth 2807
7070 mouths 137
367 move 9073
1049 moved 2127
5016 movement 235
2445 moves 675
754 movie 3209
1505 movies 1307
8150 movin 108
772 moving 3102
7005 Mozart 139
197 Mr. 20053
9269 MRI 87
441 Mrs. 7064
767 Ms. 3131
137 much 34270
3869 mud 344
4923 muffin 241
6657 muffins 151
6208 mug 168
8801 mugged 94
9618 mule 82
9206 multi 88
5303 multiple 216
3176 mum 461
5941 mummy 180
5035 Munson 234
9999 mural 77
776 murder 3089
2065 murdered 850
2966 murderer 510
8281 murderers 105
7644 murdering 120
5289 murders 217
5395 Murdock 210
4349 Murphy 291
9848 Murray 79
4101 muscle 316
6155 muscles 170
3474 museum 404
886 music 2631
5015 musical 235
8090 musician 109
259 must 14089
1864 must've 984
8928 musta 92
7193 mustard 133
5807 mustn't 188
8044 mutant 110
4380 mutual 289
20 my 210429
6823 myrtle 145
302 myself 11559
9268 mysteries 87
3481 mysterious 403
2126 mystery 818
9267 mystical 87
7868 myth 114
6340 \A4 163
1380 N. 1464
6393 na 161
9940 nada 78
9702 nagging 81
1619 nah 1190
2492 nail 656
5658 nailed 196
4500 nails 276
4036 naive 324
1585 naked 1221
9998 nam 77
275 name 13044
2267 name's 752
1295 named 1591
1616 names 1191
6799 nana 146
2294 Nancy 741
4035 nanny 324
3480 nap 403
7805 napkin 116
9617 napkins 82
5718 narrow 192
9153 nasedo 89
2451 nasty 673
693 Natalie 3660
4227 Natalie's 304
2896 Nate 528
3324 Nathan 432
4672 nation 260
2054 national 857
7411 nations 126
6656 native 151
1729 natural 1086
3204 naturally 456
1893 nature 968
4575 naughty 269
9616 nausea 82
9551 nauseous 83
5657 navy 196
5821 naw 187
6583 nazi 154
8280 NBC 105
840 nbsp 2824
7099 nd 136
958 near 2386
6324 nearby 164
5899 nearest 182
2088 nearly 840
3678 neat 373
3092 necessarily 478
1593 necessary 1215
1453 neck 1371
4566 necklace 270
1626 Ned 1184
107 need 46040
643 needed 4043
4283 needing 297
4171 needle 309
6980 needles 140
9205 needn't 88
460 needs 6555
6605 needy 153
2288 negative 744
8516 neglected 100
6047 negotiate 175
9204 negotiating 88
9778 negotiations 80
9152 negro 89
3491 neighbor 401
2343 neighborhood 715
3583 neighbors 388
9701 neighbourhood 81
1528 Neil 1274
9006 Neil's 91
948 neither 2417
8231 nell 106
9425 Nellie 85
7492 Nelson 124
8754 Nemo 95
8515 neo 100
3677 nephew 373
7915 nerd 113
2493 nerve 655
4849 nerves 247
1118 nervous 1930
4871 nest 245
3599 net 386
3089 network 479
9203 neurotic 88
8426 neutral 102
6691 Nevada 150
109 never 44728
8279 nevertheless 105
212 new 18860
8278 newbie 105
9939 newborn 78
7643 newest 120
9005 newly 91
9550 newlyweds 83
2082 Newman 843
8376 newman's 103
496 news 5936
2918 newspaper 521
5603 newspapers 199
290 next 12147
8277 ni 105
232 nice 16275
4362 nicely 290
5079 nicer 232
6449 nicest 159
1945 Nicholas 921
867 Nick or nick 2699
5224 nick's 222
6798 nickel 146
6088 nickname 173
4316 Nicky 294
1804 Nicole 1026
9938 Nicole's 78
3709 niece 367
4402 Nigel 287
6069 nigger 174
168 night 24900
4208 night's 306
1956 nightmare 913
5491 nightmares 205
2204 nights 780
3331 Niki 431
2600 Nikki 615
1490 Nikolas 1328
802 Niles 2956
3486 Nina 402
1135 nine 1906
5223 nineteen 222
3345 ninety 428
5584 ninth 200
9997 nipples 77
5922 Nixon 181
18 no 212463
4274 Noah 298
8335 Nobel 104
3521 noble 397
546 nobody 5195
1674 nobody's 1142
8565 nod 99
5222 Noel 222
2247 noise 760
6420 noises 160
9549 noisy 83
8149 nolan 108
2314 non 730
697 none 3615
9343 nonetheless 86
3045 nonsense 489
9424 noo 85
4129 noon 313
6246 nooo 167
8611 noooo 98
1496 nope 1321
2808 nor 553
971 Nora 2345
6855 Nora's 144
4523 Norma 274
975 normal 2339
3157 normally 464
3616 Norman 383
1979 north or North 901
7769 northern 117
9615 northwest 82
1260 nose 1658
8194 noses 107
9700 nosy 81
23 not 195058
7192 notch 133
1367 note 1479
9479 notebook 84
7600 noted 121
2282 notes 746
2110 nothin 829
157 nothing 26592
1930 nothing's 934
1150 notice 1872
1356 noticed 1492
7258 noticing 131
9151 notified 89
7727 notify 118
6743 notion 148
5602 novel 199
6377 november 162
56 now 100909
5355 now's 213
8375 nowadays 103
1633 nowhere 1177
8043 NSA 110
4148 nuclear 311
6771 nude 147
9614 nuh 82
7224 numb 132
539 number 5289
1883 numbers 974
5656 nun 196
7768 nuns 117
1456 nurse 1369
5986 nursery 178
3435 nurses 411
6953 nursing 141
3138 nut 468
1423 nuts 1404
8334 nutty 104
644 O. or o 4030 (see also oh)
7767 O'Brien 117
1669 o'clock 1146
4379 O'Neill 289
9004 O'Reily 91
7726 oak 118
2092 Oakdale 838
4378 oath 289
9548 oatmeal 83
8425 obey 102
3264 object 443
3877 objection 343
5288 objective 217
7491 objects 124
8468 obligated 101
5323 obligation 215
6634 obnoxious 152
5806 observation 188
6822 observe 145
3074 obsessed 482
7725 obsessing 118
4681 obsession 259
8276 obsessive 105
9150 obstacles 89
8424 obstruction 102
1417 obvious 1410
682 obviously 3741
3041 occasion 490
7528 occasional 123
6115 occasionally 172
7724 occasions 118
7156 occupied 134
5191 occur 224
3695 occurred 369
9937 occurs 78
2770 ocean 566
6720 October 149
2425 odd 683
2844 odds 544
9 of 332038
141 off 33887
7914 offend 113
5760 offended 190
2974 offense 509
6207 offensive 168
905 offer 2563
2008 offered 882
2632 offering 606
5820 offers 187
493 office 5955
1109 officer 1945
3126 officers 471
5834 offices 186
2128 official 816
2722 officially 581
8564 officials 99
1611 often 1195
38 oh 148780 (see also o)
1446 ohh 1378
3805 ohhh 354
8610 ohhhh 98
7191 Ohio 133
2236 oil 766
100 ok 49968
77 okay 63509
8148 okey 108
9478 Oklahoma 84
4243 ol 303
261 old 14041
1686 older 1128
4787 oldest 251
9266 Olds 87
6497 olive 157
4768 Oliver 253
1121 Olivia 1923
7563 Olivia's 122
26 on 191646
8800 onboard 94
336 once 9931
63 one 84057
1158 one's 1856
913 ones 2539
9003 ongoing 91
8193 onion 107
9002 onions 91
8374 online 103
146 only 30599
1748 onto 1071
7527 oo 123
626 ooh 4184
5113 ooo 229
3774 oooh 358
9080 ooooh 90
3384 oops 420
5060 op 233
3044 opal 489
422 open 7598
1834 opened 1001
9477 opener 84
1859 opening 988
4377 opens 289
3043 opera 489
4338 operate 292
5034 operating 234
2006 operation 884
9613 operational 82
5125 operations 228
8423 operative 102
5560 operator 201
1584 opinion 1223
6690 opinions 150
7599 opponent 121
5963 opportunities 179
1287 opportunity 1601
5468 opposed 206
3193 opposite 458
8753 Oprah 95
8874 ops 93
7723 optimistic 118
2728 option 579
2710 options 584
92 or 55062
9847 oral 79
2927 orange 518
6274 orb 166
7766 orbit 117
9777 orchestra 80
7765 ordeal 117
619 order 4270
1904 ordered 954
4863 ordering 246
8275 orderly 105
1618 orders 1190
3752 ordinary 361
7526 organ 123
8661 organic 97
4376 organization 289
8752 organize 95
4522 organized 274
6604 organs 153
9001 orientation 91
9776 origin 80
2229 original 769
6087 originally 173
5833 Orleans 186
9996 orphan 77
8042 Oscar 110
4805 Oswald 250
173 other 23936
3091 other's 478
1207 others 1758
1348 otherwise 1499
9846 Otis 79
3767 ouch 359
1542 ought 1262
4034 oughta 324
8873 oui 93
7343 ounce 128
119 our 39896
2045 ours 862
1332 ourselves 1525
44 out 121867
6821 outa 145
7342 outcome 128
6582 outer 154
2583 outfit 621
7955 outfits 112
6068 outrageous 174
8422 outs 102
620 outside 4260
9612 outsider 82
6689 outstanding 150
1277 outta 1621
9547 oval 83
4862 oven 246
118 over 40001
7130 overboard 135
6349 overcome 163
8563 overdue 99
9775 overhear 80
4147 overheard 311
8872 overly 93
3650 overnight 379
9149 overprotective 89
6887 overreacted 143
4955 overreacting 239
9079 override 90
9000 overseas 91
7722 overtime 118
6188 overwhelmed 169
6323 overwhelming 164
907 ow 2557
969 owe 2354
6086 owed 173
7954 Owen 112
4778 owes 252
9078 owl 90
249 own 14849
4671 owned 260
3086 owner 480
7490 owners 124
9936 ownership 78
3239 owns 448
9699 oww 81
4361 oxygen 290
8927 oy 92
3313 Oz 433
1210 P. 1751
4670 pa 260
3423 pace 414
1355 Pacey 1492
5601 Pacific 199
1554 pack 1249
2482 package 659
8274 packages 105
2913 packed 522
3070 packing 483
8514 packs 100
6688 pact 150
6187 pad 169
9423 Paddington 85
1637 page or Page 1176
8513 pageant 100
8373 paged 103
8698 pager 96
3719 pages 365
1083 paid 2017
1439 Paige 1383
684 pain 3720
2604 painful 614
7004 pains 139
1990 paint 897
4553 painted 271
9476 painter 84
2150 painting 806
6770 paintings 147
2250 pair 759
9475 pairs 84
7069 pajamas 137
1564 pal 1237
3621 palace 382
5078 pale 232
5238 palm 221
2849 Palmer 543
6979 Paloma 140
6556 pals 155
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695 R. 3636
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1981 rights 900
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573 running 4842
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5378 rushing 211
2331 Russell 721
5526 Russia 203
3766 Russian 359
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5273 Ruth 218
7218 ruthless 132
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542 S. 5255
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2300 safety 737
136 said 34568
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997 sake 2281
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4106 sales 315
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9602 salvation 82
469 Sam or SAM 6354
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276 same 13024
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5431 Sammy 208
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4722 samples 256
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1983 San 899
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1987 Santa 898
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1972 Sarah 905
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1911 scary 951
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347 second 9605
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50 she 110122
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673 she'll 3780
113 she's 42795
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737 Sheridan 3299
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1941 sisters 925
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4372 slap 289
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32 so 169088
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93 something 54736
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120 sorry 39854
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1108 speaking 1945
4442 speaks 282
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8501 speeches 100
1986 speed 898
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8852 sprung 93
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4693 spying 258
3591 squad 387
2457 square 671
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1623 St. 1186
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2500 stamp 653
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4905 standards 242
870 standing 2690
2990 stands 506
9679 Stanford 81
3337 Stanley 430
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2263 staring 754
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1498 Starr 1319
9678 starring 81
1824 stars 1008
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5075 starters 232
794 starting 2984
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1001 station 2276
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7252 stem 131
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761 step 3161
8463 stepfather 101
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2044 Stephen 862
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6135 stepping 171
2877 steps 533
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153 still 28308
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9065 stirring 90
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7990 stitches 111
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7481 stocks 124
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2326 stolen 724
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188 stop 21341
864 stopped 2719
2511 stopping 647
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4591 stores 267
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1935 strength 930
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4623 sub 264
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2007 suck 883
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8737 sufficient 95
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2848 suggesting 543
3838 suggestion 348
6084 suggestions 173
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6413 suing 160
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2759 suite 569
3655 suits 378
6998 sum 139
1100 summer or Summer 1984
5710 summers 192
6813 summit 145
7182 summon 133
8598 summoned 98
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2475 Sunday 661
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3563 supply 391
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340 supposed 9818
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3702 surface 368
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9596 surgeons 82
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2002 survive 888
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2856 sweater 540
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717 sweetheart 3434
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9979 swift 77
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7555 swings 122
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7440 switching 125
5336 Switzerland 214
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4396 sworn 287
9594 Sy 82
6711 Syd 149
2200 Sydney 781
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4601 symbol 266
7092 sympathetic 136
4002 sympathy 327
8317 symphony 104
3749 symptoms 361
6918 syndrome 142
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7829 syrup 115
1145 system 1885
4461 systems 280
534 T. 5329
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5979 tabloid 178
8849 tabloids 93
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6789 tales 146
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7988 tanks 111
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4238 tapes 303
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9250 targets 87
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6945 tasted 141
4646 tastes 262
6917 tasty 142
4427 tattoo 283
9405 tattoos 85
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3432 tax 411
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4159 taxi 310
1523 Taylor 1286
7670 Taylor's 119
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1399 teach 1434
1898 teacher 960
4204 teachers 306
7716 teaches 118
3175 teaching 461
3614 teal'c 383
851 team 2773
5171 teams 225
2157 tear 803
4610 tearing 265
2900 tears 527
6709 tease 149
6179 teasing 169
4774 tech 252
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3014 technically 498
6264 technique 166
4099 technology 316
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5619 teen 198
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361 telling 9129
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3220 temporary 452
8135 tempt 108
8260 temptation 105
6105 tempted 172
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606 ten 4448
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8315 tendency 104
5845 tender 185
7475 tends 124
5285 Tenney 217
3199 tennis 457
3271 tense 442
3644 tension 379
4127 tent 313
8596 tenth 98
7590 tequila 121
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5897 Teri 182
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5817 terminal 187
2400 terms 691
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5350 Terrance 213
8848 Terri 93
816 terrible 2914
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204 thanks 19233
2017 thanksgiving 879
7 that 413389
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55 that's 102146
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4 the 770161
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238 their 15907
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62 there 85662
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133 there's 35242
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14 this 249860
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773 till 3091
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75 time 64891
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902 Timmy 2565
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3 to 823661
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1884 Toby 973
323 today 10561
3140 today's 467
806 Todd 2943
7987 Todd's 111
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222 together 17074
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8915 tok'ra 92
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149 two 29788
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4951 types 239
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7896 vet 113
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1926 victim 939
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3335 victims 430
951 Victor or victor 2412
5405 victor's 209
2005 victoria 884
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6466 videos 158
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1938 view 928
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7281 villa 130
3557 village 392
9754 villain 80
3352 Vince 427
5010 Vincent 235
7750 vindictive 117
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7119 violated 135
5775 violation 189
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3609 violent 384
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9524 violin 83
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6872 Virgil 143
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5391 Virginia 210
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7789 virtue 116
3001 virus 502
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5216 visions 222
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5053 visitor 233
4370 visitors 289
6941 visits 141
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6231 visual 167
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7713 vitals 118
9673 vitamin 81
9398 vitamins 85
7370 Vivian 127
4919 vodka 241
915 voice 2530
3938 voices 334
6647 void 151
8646 voila 97
8845 volcano 93
6597 volume 153
9240 voluntarily 87
4560 volunteer 270
6787 volunteered 146
8213 volunteers 106
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7552 von 122
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1708 vote 1102
5575 voted 200
7304 voters 129
4645 votes 262
7209 voting 132
9396 vouch 85
9395 vous 85
5542 vow 202
3580 vows 388
8212 voyage 106
8911 vs 92
8645 vu 97
2886 vulnerable 531
1628 W. 1181
6487 wa 157
9815 wacko 79
8310 wacky 104
5317 Wade 215
8977 waffles 91
7399 wage 126
9056 wager 90
5795 wagon 188
8457 waist 101
154 wait 27920
2100 waited 832
3991 waiter 328
6940 waitin 141
483 waiting 6132
3359 waitress 426
7827 waits 115
830 wake 2857
4635 wakes 263
4221 waking 304
459 walk 6619
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3011 walker 499
7939 walkin 112
1035 walking 2180
2496 walks 654
1297 wall 1581
4278 Wallace 297
2718 wallet 582
2607 walls 613
5755 Wally 190
4042 Walsh 323
6703 Walt 149
2570 Walter 624
8644 waltz 97
8910 wand 92
6763 wander 147
8456 wandered 101
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331 wanna 10250
53 want 102822
9125 wanta 89
196 wanted 20074
1806 wanting 1024
329 wants 10269
869 war 2690
4144 ward 311
5736 warden 191
5284 wardrobe 217
3443 warehouse 409
4903 warlock 242
5794 warlocks 188
1313 warm 1557
8909 warmed 92
8594 warmer 98
7280 warming 130
8177 warmth 107
1998 warn 892
2617 warned 611
8844 warner 93
1782 warning 1042
9457 warped 84
2839 warrant 545
3793 warren 355
7551 Warrick 122
5574 warrior 200
9055 warriors 90
6939 wars 141
4395 Warton 287
28 was 184170
2325 wash 724
4509 washed 275
5735 washing 191
2510 Washington 647
237 wasn't 16007
1292 waste 1596
3269 wasted 442
2252 wasting 758
430 watch 7310
2233 watched 768
7938 watcher 112
6175 watches 169
763 watching 3152
604 water 4469
7550 water's 122
6230 waters 167
8211 watson 106
3372 wave 422
5298 waves 216
5649 waving 196
6003 wax 177
103 way 49794
3234 Wayne 449
1254 ways 1672
29 we 181863
755 we'd 3205
221 we'll 17077
110 we're 43491
309 we've 11200
2107 weak 830
5009 weakness 235
7937 wealth 112
6174 wealthy 169
2123 weapon 820
2399 weapons 691
854 wear 2765
873 wearing 2678
4449 wears 281
9905 weary 78
6102 weasel 172
2266 weather 752
4009 web 326
5153 Webber 226
8257 website 105
7895 Webster 113
8210 wedded 106
471 wedding 6334
8843 wedding's 93
5168 weddings 225
9054 wedge 90
3937 Wednesday 334
5424 wee 208
6083 weed 173
532 week 5356
7178 week's 133
1280 weekend 1616
6408 weekends 160
8176 weekly 107
731 weeks 3350
8593 weep 98
6101 weigh 172
9753 weighing 80
2154 weight 805
671 weird 3797
8643 weirdest 97
8908 weirdo 92
9904 Welch 78
609 welcome 4373
9752 welcoming 80
5404 welfare 209
35 well 155201
9903 wells 78
9672 Welsh 81
4653 Wendy 261
277 went 12892
8976 wentworth 91
85 were 58127
567 weren't 4896
7712 werewolf 118
4797 Wes 250
2702 Wesley 585
1896 west or West 961
9814 Westbridge 79
5458 western 206
4533 Weston 273
2310 wet 732
2657 wh 599
3424 wha 413
5316 whack 215
6315 whacked 164
9671 whaddya 81
7331 whale 128
11 what 285826
1344 what'd 1508
5073 what'll 232
2303 what're 735
122 what's 39305
6341 whatcha 163
328 whatever 10363
4622 whatever's 264
4143 whatsoever 311
6293 whatta 165
7208 wheat 132
2598 wheel 615
3925 wheelchair 336
4112 wheels 314
74 when 65117
3727 when's 363
1582 whenever 1224
121 where 39330
1781 where'd 1042
7749 where're 117
505 where's 5711
6938 whereabouts 141
8078 whereas 109
2094 wherever 837
984 whether 2316
3772 whew 358
265 which 13652
313 while 11006
8359 whine 103
6486 whining 157
2477 whip 660
5883 whipped 183
6314 whiskey 164
6596 whisper 153
5502 whispering 204
4935 whistle 240
9311 whit 86
691 white or White 3665
6646 whitelighter 151
9588 whites 82
1360 Whitney 1489
6762 Whitney's 147
9239 whiz 87
94 who 53799
3166 who'd 462
6625 who'll 152
9670 who're 81
363 who's 9109
7279 who've 130
439 whoa 7081
1464 whoever 1358
7627 whoever's 120
251 whole 14623
2335 whom 720
1666 whoo 1148
8842 whoop 93
6786 whoops 146
3553 whore 393
1276 whose 1624
65 why 78554
2156 why'd 803
4736 why's 255
3974 wicked 330
2737 wide 577
5247 widow 220
362 wife 9125
2910 wife's 523
5186 wig 224
9751 wiggle 80
1516 wild 1293
7748 wilderness 117
7788 wildwind 116
76 will 64811
3358 Will's 426
5978 Willard 178
2656 William 599
3257 Williams 444
9053 Williamson 90
4843 Willie 247
1056 willing 2089
8642 willingly 97
9394 Willoughby 85
2364 willow 703
7549 Willy 122
3673 Wilson 373
9523 wimp 83
768 win 3126
1550 wind 1251
1057 window 2084
3320 windows 432
6595 winds 153
9669 windshield 81
1474 wine 1346
3403 wing 416
2661 wings 598
9456 wink 84
2815 winner 551
9183 winners 88
3748 Winnie 361
2798 winning 556
3654 wins 378
4236 Winslow 303
5956 Winston 179
2773 winter 564
6674 winters 150
3672 wipe 373
4934 wiped 240
3013 wire 498
5774 wired 189
6082 wires 173
7398 Wisconsin 126
4895 wisdom 243
2238 wise 765
8641 wiser 97
392 wish 8262
4652 wished 261
3023 wishes 494
9522 wishful 83
4748 wishing 254
5955 wit 179
1246 witch 1684
7626 witchcraft 120
2356 witches 707
31 with 169586
9521 withdraw 83
1644 within 1165
327 without 10421
1386 witness 1457
7146 witnessed 134
3241 witnesses 447
8975 wits 91
5441 witter 207
8131 witty 108
3936 wives 334
5348 wizard 213
9974 wo 77
6040 woah 175
2222 woke 772
2899 wolf 527
9750 Wolfe 80
8309 Wolfram 104
8689 wolves 96
263 woman 13734
2595 woman's 617
607 women 4441
4448 women's 281
1273 won 1627
205 won't 19208
683 wonder 3735
3545 wondered 394
533 wonderful 5341
909 wondering 2549
6384 wonders 161
5882 wont 183
3764 woo 359
2826 wood 548
6513 wooden 156
2050 woods 860
8022 woody 110
6624 woof 152
429 word 7355
694 words 3647
2960 wore 511
176 work 23683
701 worked 3577
3924 worker 336
5297 workers 216
6016 workin 176
406 working 8016
8077 workout 109
822 works 2903
296 world 11754
3059 world's 486
5696 worlds 193
6442 worldwide 159
5668 worm 195
7118 worms 135
4815 worn 249
554 worried 5066
3707 worries 367
346 worry 9620
2334 worrying 720
623 worse 4218
6546 worship 155
1000 worst 2276
736 worth 3303
4902 worthless 242
8841 worthwhile 93
3821 worthy 351
72 would 67718
918 would've 2523
6937 woulda 141
228 wouldn't 16615
2420 wound 684
3969 wounded 331
4599 wounds 266
444 wow 7036
3073 wrap 482
3268 wrapped 442
7858 wrapping 114
8640 wraps 97
8455 wrath 101
3006 wreck 500
5881 wrecked 183
8974 wrecking 91
8497 wrench 100
8688 wrestle 96
4842 wrestling 247
8733 wretched 95
5072 wrist 232
9182 wrists 88
863 write 2741
3381 writer 420
7330 writers 128
6623 writes 152
1476 writing 1345
1946 written 920
208 wrong 19025
1282 wrote 1613
8308 wuss 104
9310 Wyatt 86
1850 X. or x 993
2298 Xander 738
1716 Y. or -y 1094
3836 y'all 348
724 y'know 3395
481 ya 6212 (see also you yeah)
4385 yacht 288
7747 yada 117
3820 yah 351
5228 Yale 221
9309 yank 86
6151 yankee 170
8021 yankees 110
3135 yard 468
4644 yards 262
3763 yay 359
4272 ye 298
5071 yea 232
47 yeah 121148 (see also ya)
407 year 8013
2544 year's 636
6365 yearbook 162
266 years 13526
6039 yeh 175
2786 yell 560
5648 yelled 196
2627 yelling 608
2801 yellow 555
1223 yep 1728
89 yes 55828
9668 yessir 81
1011 yesterday 2254
9052 yesterday's 90
332 yet 10225
9181 yikes 88
1472 yo 1347
8973 yoga 91
826 York 2873
1 you 1222421 (see also ya)
322 you'd 10577
248 you'll 14958
41 you're 135738
177 you've 23483
507 young 5680
2766 younger 566
8130 youngest 108
27 your 188060
501 yours 5805
255 yourself 14291
2606 yourselves 613
4085 youth 318
7303 yuck 129
8732 yuh 95
6262 yum 166
6622 yummy 152
3032 yup 492
5524 z 203
3173 Zach 461
2464 Zack 668
1959 Zander 911
8076 zap 109
2828 Zelda 547
2893 zero 528
9455 ziggy 84
5440 zip 207
9393 Zoe 85
7983 Zoey 111
3562 zombie 391
3223 zone 451
3717 zoo 365

참고 편집

  1. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/2006/04/1-10000
  2. 미국 TV및영화 기준