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Redirect pages


Would you please confirm the following words you have moved wheather they are alternative forms or not. Thanks. --아흔(A-heun) (토론) 2010년 9월 10일 (금) 02:08 (UTC)

  1. сөздик → сөздік
  2. дя̄н → дян
  3. дю̄р → дюр
  4. надан-дя̄р → надан-дяр
  5. урӯкту → урукту
Kazakh alphabet does not contain these letters with diacritical marks, they are used only for studying, not in dictionaries. --Al Silonov (토론) 2010년 10월 17일 (일) 14:21 (UTC)
Does it mean they are in principle not misspelling, because they are used anyway? So, they don't need to be deleted. --아흔(A-heun) (토론) 2010년 10월 17일 (일) 14:35 (UTC)
Exactly, they may be left as redirects to the normalized "dictionary" form. --Al Silonov (토론) 2010년 11월 2일 (화) 09:42 (UTC)