(타동사) <…을> <…에게> 알아보도록 하다, 조회하다 ( To direct the attention of. )
(타동사) <사건·문제 등을> 위탁[부탁]하다, 맡기다, 회부하다 ( To submit to (another person or group) for consideration; to send or direct elsewhere. )
언급하다, 입밖에 내다 (to); 인용하다.(To place in or under by a mental or rational process; to assign to, as a class, a cause, source, a motive, reason, or ground of explanation. )
Weyler was referred to as a "butcher" by yellow journalists. 웨일러는 황색 언론에 의해 "살인자"로 치부되었다.